Lincoln University - PA
Lincoln Hall Rm#103
Lincoln University, PA 19352
(484) 365-7785
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Transfer Student Admissions

If you are an international student already in the U.S. please follow the following steps for admission to Lincoln University.

You are a transfer student if all of the following are true;

· Any person who has been enrolled in a college or university other than Lincoln University.

Transfer Applicants:

1. Complete Undergraduate International application

2. Submit all of the information requested (A delay in sending all of the information requested will cause a delay in acceptance).

3. Transfer student must be in good standing at all previously attended institutions and have completed 15 or more semester hours with a minimum 2.7 cumulative G.P.A.

4. An email confirmation will be sent and the original confirmation along with your acceptance packet will be mailed to you. Please read carefully and submit any additional information requested.

5. Submit $275 acceptance fee.

6. Complete proper Transfer In forms (please contact OIP&S).

7. Financial support and documentation must be provided in order for a new I20 to be issued.

8. Arrive at Lincoln University and check in with the OIP&S. Addition instruction will be given at that time.

9. Transferable credits will be determined by the Registrar’s Office at Lincoln University

10. Attend International Orientation –T.B.A.

If you have any questions about any of the processes listed above, please contact the OIP&S.

Lincoln University - PA International Programs