Lincoln University - PA
Lincoln Hall Rm#103
Lincoln University, PA 19352
(484) 365-7785
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Study Abroad Guidelines

  • Students must have a 2.5 cumulative average to be considered eligible for study abroad.
  • Only declared language majors are required to undergo a total immersion language experience, which for most students translates into “study abroad” for a minimum of one semester.  Declared language minors are also strongly encouraged to spend the equivalent of at least one semester studying abroad.
  • Not only should students be in good academic standing (cumulative grade point average minimum), but they should also be in good social and financial standing with the University.
  • Students are required to fill out a Study Abroad Application.
  • Students are required to submit recommendations from faculty.
  • Students must have notarized and signed a power-of-attorney form and a completed study abroad appraisal form before departing for study abroad.
  • In order to qualify for study abroad, students must have an average if a 2.5 in their major. Exceptions to this rule will be made on an individual basis by special recommendations from a majority of faculty members with whom the students have studied (including the most recent professors).  If a student has not met the 2.5 requirement, they must submit a letter of intent.  This letter should specify their plan to attain the required 2.5 GPA.
  • Students will be sent abroad only with the recommendations of a consensus of faculty members with whom they have studied.
  • Students will be required to attend two (2) international sessions and a pre-departure orientation prior to departure.
  • If students are double majors, they must have the recommendation of the chairman of both departments.
  • Students must participate in the Annual Study Abroad Convocation.
Lincoln University - PA International Programs